Love Yourself: How To Deal With Stress


As cliche as it sounds, there is truly something magical about this time of year. It’s the season of change – as the leaves fall, we begin to make room for new ones. There is a subtle shift in the air and a welcome change from the stifling days of summer. Whether you’re outside taking in the fresh autumn air or cuddling up with a flickering candle lit and last night’s episode of ‘This Is Us’, fall is romantic and incredibly charming.
So in the spirit of change and the new season, I thought I’d switch it up a bit. A lot of you have been asking about how I deal with stress and anxiety. Despite how it may look on social media, no one’s life is perfect. Everyone has their own personal struggles. Whenever I feel like life is falling apart (even if it’s over burnt spaghetti – which, yes, I have done), I try to take a step back and refocus my priorities: my family, my personal health, my friends, and my work. And if life still seems like it’s crashing down around me, there are a few things that help calm me down.
Each person has their own way of dealing with stress. I’m not sure if these methods will help you, but I sure hope they do. ♥


Sometimes you just need to write it all down on paper. Even if it makes absolutely no sense at all. I have a notebook that I try to write in at least everyday. Whether it’s a sentence, full-blown vent session, a list of goals, or just scribbles, getting all of that down on paper helps takes some weight off your shoulders. Your thoughts can’t be suppressed – especially the ones that mean the most to us. After I journal, I always feel a little lighter on my feet.

Light A Candle

If you need to be alone with your thoughts, go into a quiet room, light a candle, and just breathe. Turn off your lights and rely only on the dim flicker of a candle. A candle’s flame helps to soothe our soul – reducing stress and increasing self-awareness. Candles infused with essential oils are said to penetrate through the olfactory system. This means you’ll receive the soothing benefits from the essential oils, with none of the chemicals of an artificially scented candle.

Go For A Run

Whenever I feel like screaming at the top of my lungs, I know it’s time for a run. A little sweat, some fresh air, and a killing running playlist can do wonders for your stress-level. But most importantly, running lowers your body’s stress hormones. Any type of exercise increases the production of your brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters – aka endorphins. While any physical activity releases these endorphins, running outside gives you a chance to clear your head. It can help you to focus on the task at hand: moving forward.

Love Yourself

As moms, we are so busy thinking about everyone else that we neglect to take care of ourselves. We overwork our bodies to achieve ‘perfection’ – the perfect wife, the perfect mom, the perfect friend, etc. – and in return our stability crumbles. This is around the time I have a mental breakdown. And I remind myself that this idea of perfection isn’t attainable, nor is it realistic. Taking care of yourself is not selfish. If your own health is compromised, you can’t possibly take care of the ones who matter most to you. Take time to yourself. Workout, eat right, get a manicure, or read a book – whatever it is, you need to love yourself. When I have one of these moments, I draw a bath, light a candle, and pour myself a glass of wine. Because g*d damnit, I deserve it.

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